113 cable was also being prooured in limited quantim in oMe tfie
rubber oovered type 104 would enoounter abrasion when landed over
the ooral reefs at Eniwetok. Sufficient quantities of these oable
were located at Clearfield, Utah, through the Eleotronios Supply Seotion of the Bureau of Ships. All oable was ordered eo as to provide
nearly 100% sparee. This large allowanoe for spare was predicated
on the tipor~ae

of the cable program and the desire to avoid any

difficulty of reaupply after the initial movement. Almost all of
tiis spare oable was expended when the Atomic Energy Commission upped

uable requirementslater on. Resupply had tobe undertaken in

the typellSP when type 104 proved unsuitable ●nd l15Puaa eubaittuted
for it. The heavy epare allowanoe proved entirely juatlfied.
Before Lieutenant Comnander Rowand reported to the ctaff, sonw
considerationhad been given

to oonwrting an I&M into a uable-laying

ve68el. TMe &pa of ship posueased several desirable aharaoteristios.
There was ample room in the tank deok for the loading and splicing of
oable and the open overhead on this deck provided freedom for installation of booms, A-fremea and taokle required ih oable-laying

The high freeboardand low draft of this type oooaaioned

come doubt aa to ita maneuvering oharaoteriatic+e.JJXR H. E. Rowand
and Ensign Jablonski investigatedthe ●vailability of other types of
veaaela for cable laying. The YE or net tender type could not carry
eufflolent oable for use in the forthoomlng operation although they
had engaged In cable-la@ng for harbor defense work during the war.
One veaael designed and fitted aa aaable layer wan located, but this
section XI

Select target paragraph3