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To ensure that all debris is properly appraised, each island listed




¥% in Enclosure 1 will be sufficiently devegetated to allow a thorough visual
inspection and radiological monitoring. The devegation will be performed with
the least possible disturbance to the top soil and root structures to minimize
the redistribution of any plutonium-contaminated soil which might be present

and to minimize erosion at sites which may prove not to require any soil excision.

The vegetation which is harvested will be collected, chopped and stored for
later use as mulch or compost. After each island is certified Célean," it
- is to be sown with grass seed per the EIS (Reference 1, Vol I, pg 8-14).
."+. mulch and compost will be added back to the soil at that time to aid the
establishment of new vegetation.

If on-going ERDA programmatic activities

-:,.0n Enewetak plant-radionuclide-uptake are able to confirm by that time that the uptaxe cycle can be halted or significantly reduced by removing decayed vegetation,

the mulch and compest will not be broadcast aver the island but will be incin-

erated in deep burn pits as provided for in Reference 1, Vol I, pg 8-14, and

any residues will be covered over.




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2. A detailed visual search of each island will be performed. Where ‘appro-

priate, the visual search will be complimented by an electronic search using
the Army AN/PSS-11 metal detector which is capable of sensing shallow—buried
cebris. All debris discovered will be "roughly" monitored for gamma radiation upon discovery and classified according to whether it gives an exposure
-rate (1) greater than 100 pR/hr--goes to the crater, (2) less than 100 yR/hr--

goes to the Lagoon, or (3) uncertain--requires additional measurements.TLight-

weight debris which can be manually picked up will be collected during the

search and placed in appropriate containers marked to indicate "debris for

lagoon," "debris for crater," or "debris. to be rated.”

Heavier debris will

be marked similarly for subsequent disposition.
The reconnaisance personnel will
compare observations with as~built drawings, and make additions or subtractions
as appropriate when heavier debris is discovered or is not found. The revised
drawings will indicate the location, description and the radiation classifi- |

‘ cation of heavier debris.

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3. The AEC Survey lists (See Enclosure 2) several suspected or known

burial sites of radioactive debris which will be investigated as part of Cleanup.

The precise locations of some of these sites is not known nor is the amount

of contaminated debris they contain.

To facilitate locating these indefinite

sites and minimizing on the amount of earth which must be moved to verify
their presence, military magnetometers, e.g. Army Portable Diffe-ential
Magnetometers, capable of sensing metallic anomalies at depths up to about
10 ft will be used.
If the burial site is located, it will be excavated
and the contents will be classified and disposed of as any other debris.

Select target paragraph3