-Amata Kabua, Chairman
December 21, (1978 7

Page 3.


in his capacity as attorney for the People of Bikini,
“on onecaspect.of.this overall problem.
Because the
in, time: is.;so: short-wntil. the next.round of talks, I.
as thought:‘ft prudent !to’ send a’ copy of this letter and .
its enclosures :directly|to your attorney, Mr. Richard



it an,confident you ‘know that we are ‘not ‘in any way:
“attempting to.intrude into your negotiations with Mr..
‘Rosenblatt,. becauseiI, know. you share with me.concern ©
_ for those:“Marshallese!‘who-deserve the special care and
” attention? of!the.United: States as a result of the’ —
a extraordinary,’ consequences of the nuclear testing: .

I am confident that with comparatively little

effort; ‘any conflict which might exist between the
approach.. to the negotiations being taken by the United
_ States*and’ the° rights.of our clients, can be resolved,
Best Regards,

Theodore R.

TRM/ dl


Richard D. Copaken


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