i: December 21, 1978
‘Amata: Kabua, Chairman
Marshall Island:*Political Status
- Commission -::

‘Majuro, Marshall Islands


Dear Amata:

I want to expand somewhat upon my December 20
letter to Ambassador Rosenblatt, a copy of which I sent
to you in yesterday's mail. Also, I want to suggest
that we sit down at the earliest opportunity to discuss
what I had to say to Ambassador Rosenblatt.
I haveathreshold problem:
It is not clear
whether Mr..Rosenblatt has consciously undertaken to

. vesolve the United States': responsibility for radiation
related. claims-in.the context of the political status

negotiations..“From several different sources available

to me, I am getting different and conflicting indications, but his plan may be to work out financial

arrangements for the Marshall Islands as a whole

without mention of the specific needs of the People of:

Utirik and Enewetak,

and then dispose of them

with inclusion in the compact of a broad general clause — —
precluding any and all other kinds of United States'
assistance or programs. This would effectively terminate all on-going programs and legally foreclose any

possibility of
erything I say
as you know we
and, hence, do


other future assistance.
(Nearly evhere could apply equally to Bikini, but
are not counsel for the People of Bikini.
not presume to speak on their behalf.)

Select target paragraph3