410106 Donald C. Gestiehr Acting Director CAO Liaison GAO DRAFT REPORT ENTITLED “OBSERVATICNS ON TEE PROJECT TC CLEANUP, RENABILITACE AND RESETTLE ENEWETAK ATOLL" The most important comments on this draft for DOE to present are surmarizec briefly below. More detaiis supporting these comments plus others of lesser impact are presented in the enclosed staff review. 1. fhe concent of "enforcement" of living pattern re- strictions is foreign to past thinking in the develop- ba i er oO oe te { he radioloriecal hy of compliance with restrictions. oO ment of cleanvp and rehabilitation criteria anc recommendations for rnewetak. DOLD is not a repulatory agency. We have not required the Tras Territory severnment or the Ensevetak people to give "unqualified assvrences” 4. and recommendations set forth by AEC anticipated the existence of a spirit of cooneration among those wo are trying to help the Enewetak people return to their homeland and that the people therselves and their advisers would cooperate. It was expected that the recomzendet restrictions themselves, and to some extent the need for restrictions, would be understood by the neonple. The Enewetak Invironmental Impact Statement (FIS) pro- vided the mechanisr for obteining agreerent from ail parties. Absolute compliance with restrictions was now expected. Rather, it was anti copated thet over the long ey term the people would police themselves and a gocd level as of compliance with restrictions vould be achieved. It 1 Oo expected that at least initially there would be a nich devel cof compliance with recommendations on hovsing ecenstruction end planting of food crons because thess would be cone by U.S. agencies. The safepuard for tne long ter: would be the radiological followup of the people anc their environment, to be verformed by DOE. This will provide the necessary assurance that restrictions were being foiloweda to an acceptable degree. 2. DOE has not chanzed the radiolo ical protection rhilosonhy used or made more strinzent any of the recommended radgiological criteria deyelonved therefrom for planning and conaucting cleanup and rehabilitation of Enewetex. The 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE