Appendix 1
Chronological Listing of Events in the Marshall Islands


Bikini people moved from home island to Rongerik Atoll (later
evacuated to Kwajalein and finally settled on Kili Island in
the southern Marshalls).

Kwajalein established as U.S. Navy Base.
Operation Crossroads at Bikini.
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands established, administered

by U.S. Navy.


Administration of Trust Territory transferred to U.S. Department
of the Interior.


Eniwetok people moved to Ujelang.


March 1: Fallout accident following detonation of Bravo, a
thermonuclear device. Exposed people from Rongelap, Rongerik,
and Utirik evacuated to Kwajalein Atoll for examination and
treatment. Exposed people on a Japanese fishing vessel
Fukuryo Maru (Lucky Dragon) return to Tokyo.
June: Utirik people returned to home atoll; Rongerik servicemen
transferred to Tripler Army Hospital. Rongelap people resettled
in temporary village at Ejit Island, Majuro Atoll.
September: Second medical examination of exposed Rongelap people.
Decision made to examine Rongelap people annually, Utirik people
every 3 years.


New village constructed at Rongelap. People returned after 3
years away. Medical examinations and periodic survey of
environment continued.


Epidemic of poliomyelitis at Rongelap and in rest of Marshall

Thyroid abnormalities begin to appear in Rongelap exposed people.
Thyroid surgery performed on 3 children at the Guam Naval Hospital.






1964 Ex gratia compensation (~ $11,000 per person) granted Rongelap
people by U.S. Congress.

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At Kwajalein, Pacific Missle Range under U.S. Army Command

Select target paragraph3