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2. Somatic Mutations

In 1974, studies* were made of the frequency of
amino acid substitution in the hemoglobin ofthe
Marshallese on blood samples sent to Oak Ridge.75
Since there is no coded isoleucine’¢ in adult human hemoglobin A,its presence must be due to
errors in transcription or translation or to somatic
mutauonsarising during DNAreplication. Errors
in transcription, which occur infrequently, form
altered mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA; they change

the coding in the mRNA and mayreduce the
fidelity of the tRNA with regard to both theland.. |

of amino acid it accepts and the mRNAeodons it.

recognizes.’7Errors in translation’? arise through
the attackagent of wrong amino acids totRNA
(aminoaéyl synthetase errors) and the imprecise

recognition of mRNA codons by tRNAanticodons

(translational variation). Somatic mutations result

from mistakes in replication of DNA; manysingle-

base-substitution mutations change nonisoleucine

into isoleucine codons,’® and the resulting mutant
cells could have hemoglobin mRNAwithisoleucine codons. For this reason, an increase in theiso-

Figure 25. Two-hit chromosomeaberrations in exposed
Marshallese. Top: arrow points to dicentric form; bottom:
arrow points to ring form.1*

leucine content of hemoglobin A would be expected in humans exposed to agents causing basesubstitution mutations. Possibly radiation may

cause base-substitution mutations in human so-

matic cells, but this has never been established.

>20) and 8 unexposed Rongelap people.* Chromosomeaberrations were noted in 23 of the exposed and in 5 of the unexposed Marshallese, but
the exposed group had a numberof two-break aberrations (represented by dicentric chromosomes,
translocations, and a ring form) that are thought
to be associated with radiation exposure (Figure ~

Theisoleucine contentof the hemoglobin A was
determined in blood from 13 exposed Marshallese
and 12 unexposed. The frequency of isoleucine
substitution for other aminoacids in hemoglobin
was calculated by dividing the nanomoles ofisoleucine by the total nanomoles ofall other amino
acids in each sample. The frequencies arelisted in
Table 21.

“These analyses were done by Drs. H. Lisco, New England
Deaconess Hospital, and R.A. Conard, BNL.

*These studies were done by Drs. R.A. Popp, G. P. Hirsch, and
E.G.Bailiff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

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fishermen,’ on victims of other radiation acci-

dents.‘ and on Japanese bomb survivors. 74


23).*! No two-hit aberrations were found in the
unexposed group, but both groups had an unusual
number of acentric fragments, the cause of which
is not known. Paradoxically, Rongelap people
with the lower exposure had more aberrations
than those with the higher exposure. These studies
indicate that a small but significant number of
chromosomeaberrationspersisted in blood lym-phocvtes in some Marshallese as late as 10 years
after exposure. The results are consistent with
those of similar studies on the exposed Japanese

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