Why can’t we eat coconut crab and arrowroot?
You can eat the coconut crabs from the southern islands of Rongelapif you do
not eat more than three crabs per week. Thereis still some radiation in the crabs
because theyeat their old shells when they grow new ones. The people on Utirik
may eat all the crabs they want. Arrowroot maybe eaten on Rongelap and Utirik.
Is there anything else that we are not supposed to eat?
No, you mayeat anythingelse that is good for you.



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Person eating pandanus
2ou may eat anything else tike pandanus.
If the U.S. can reach the moon, how comethey did not know that the wind was

goingto be shifted over to the islands?

There were some mistakes made. The U.S. can reach the moon because the equipmentused to get man to the moonis underhis control. The direction of the wind
is more difficult to predict because the wind is not controlled by man.

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