Appendix 4
Booklet Printed at Brookhaven National Laboratory
To Answer Questions of Rongelap and Utirik People

How does radiation cause
diseases in our bodies?
Radiation in fallout caused

injury to parts of the body.
Later on these parts became
sick and cannot do their job
properly. Thereis very little
radiationleft in the body now.









Body scanner ©

Howcan wetell if we have radiation in our bodies?
It is difficult for you to know if you have radiation in your body because there is so
little. Only the experts can tell by checking you every year with special machines.
Howcan weget rid of the radiation in our bodies, trees, ground, crabs, etc?

Your body will remove some ofthe radiation naturally when you use the benjo
but this takes a long time. The only wayto get rid of the radiationin the trees,soil,
crabs,etc. is to collect them and dumpthem into the ocean. But, since the radiation
is weak thereis no reason to do this.

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