

We have liternatuvs on it 22 you avo Lntorostca in it.



and paver work tahen care of befero you go.

We fly you out

theve and the leqistienl part of 1t is very good.

The food is

There are fine places to live out thoroe for about

a Gollar ond a haifa day.

VWoeite to tho Division of Biolosy and



ledicine and exwress a dosire to go out there and indicate what

povided as a minimma.,

We havo set tentatively a two-noath
It involves quite a bit of papar work,

clearances procedures, an

o forth, to pet you to so out there.


you wovld like to do.

¥e do not charse anything for you to work at the laboratory.

It is absolutely free,


At the present time, Dr, Hiatt, of the University of
Hawaii, manages the laboratory for us.

re you are interested

in it, write to us and we will send you details on it.

(A short recess was tazen.)

Will the meeting piease come to order,

The next paper will be given by Dr, Edward Hold of ths
Univorsity of Washinzton, Laboratory of Applied Fisherics.

JI am not coins to te able to Ciscuss any of th

specific levels of activity, some of th

spocific isotores that

ave boen dnvolvec in como of our work at Enivetok in the rast

yoar, but wnat I want to try to do is giva you thokroad picturs
of what we ere doing,
the arcas of study that we are hitting an

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