Chapter 3
Page 14

This administration, indeed, supports the concept of self-determination and
encourages the territories to determine for themselves what is best for them
in their relationship with the United States.
It should be noted that all
territories have expressed at various times their desire for closer ties with
the United States.


In the first full paragraph, the year "1976" should be changed to "1978",
because it was not until the later year that the government of the Northern

Marianas Commonwealth came into being, even though the Covenant received U.S.
approval in 1976,

Page 15


In Table 1, we offer three suggestions:
~- The final date in the Table (1977, pertaining to “Granted constitution”
for the Northern Marianas) should be 1978, because it was in that year

that the Constitution became effective;

-~- In Footnote a, instead of “now a constitutional government” (which

either full or substantial legislative authority."

Page 16

In the second paragraph, first sentence, it would be desirable to change
“guaranteed only" to “limited”.
As written, the implication is that citizen
residents of the territories, while not “guaranteed” the right to vote in
national elections, could still be granted that right.
They cannot, without a
Constitutional amendment, and the suggested change would make that clear.
Page 18

In the first incomplete paragraph, second to the last line, the use of “tax

exemption" is not inaccurate, but more meaning would be conveyed if there were

substituted for it the words “exemption from the Federal income tax laws".
That is the tax about which controversy has swirled, and for which a graduated
reduction was proposed by the former Governor.








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-- Add a further footnote, keyed to the Table's use of “Elected first local
In fact all five areas had local legislatures, generally
elected, prior to the dates shown, but some had advisory authority only
(as in Guam), and others were subject to various but serious constraints
upon their authority.
To overcome this problem, the footnote might
“The date given relates to the first elected legislature with


Bie iesinWetter

suggests that prior to 1952 Puerto Rico's government was
unconstitutional), insert in lieu of that phrase the words “governed
under a constitution locally drafted and approved"; and

Select target paragraph3