
Mr. Frank C. Canahan, Director

working relationships.




However, when there are changes in

personnel due to transfers, retirements, etc. or when a new

program is established with a federal agency not familiar with
the Commonwealth problems do arise.

One solution would be for

OTIA to act as a clearing house and to educate other federal
agencies regarding the territory involved.

One area where the OTIA deserves high marks relates to
providing technical assistance to the Commonwealth. We appre-

ciate that we often lack the necessary expertise to do certain
tasks and such assistance is truly needed. The personnel which

have been assigned to the Commonwealth have provided such

expertise and have demonstrated a willingness to impart their

expertise to local people.
In many instances, the expert has
completed his task and, by training local personnel, has made

his position obsolete.

Providing technical assistance is far

superior to providing funds and, in the long run, the federal
government obtains a better return on its investment.
We would
recommend that this type of assistance be expanded...
Provisions in our Covenant require that Special Representatives
be appointed to discuss future multi-year financial assistance
after the expiration of the seven-year period of guaranteed

annual assistance by the United States.

President Reagan has

appointed Assistant Secretary Montoya and the Commonwealth will
be represented by Lieutenant Governor Pedro A. Tenorio.
feel that future financial assistance is necessary to our
economic and social development and applaud the negotiations
and draftsmen of the Covenant for the foresight in providing a
method to resolve matters of such importance.
We also are of



the opinion that Mr. Montoya is an excellent choice as he is a

very familiar with our problems as well as our aspirations.

Although our government maintains excellent relationships with
the United States Government, many of our citizens still
experience problems while traveling or residing in the United
Provisions in our Covenant allow qualified persons to
elect to become a U.S. citizens or nationals upon termination
of the Trusteeship Agreement.
It was generally thought that

termination would take place in 1981.

Recent U.S. Public Laws

have given our people certain privileges granted U.S. citizens
but these people do not have sufficient evidence of such
We would suggest that temporary U.S. passports be
granted to persons who would otherwise qualify for U.S..

citizenship under the Covenant.




We take some exception to that portion of the draft which
states that the territories have not made much progress in

Select target paragraph3