December 15, 1964
Robert A, Conard, M.D.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, Long Island, New York

Dear Bob,
I apologize for the long delay in sending you the data
on the Marshall Island subjects. To avoid further delay I

am enclosing rough drafts of a table and chart that summarize these data,

Total body water was determined with tritiated water

(HTO) given by mouth and assayed in urine samples collected

at intervals starting four hours after administration. Urine
samples were lyophilized and tritium in the water portion
counted in a Nuclear-Chicago liquid scintillation counter,
Quenching was corrected by use of an internal standard and
confirmed by the channel-ratio®: method.

Fat was estimated by the formula, $fat ~ 100 - (*TBW/0.72),

in which % TBW is total body water (in kg) as percent of

gross weight. Lean body mass (LBM) was taken as the difference between gross weight and fat (kg).
There is nothing unusual in these subjects relative to

total body water, fat, or lean body mass, There is no “normal” range for these quantities, but taking the subjects as

a group, their average values are not very different from
averages for Caucasian subjects from this area (San Francis-

co Bay region).

The red cell volumes, however, are decidedly smaller
than what we and other investigators would consider normal.

The average ml RCV per kg LBM for the Marshallese subjects

48 only 28,3.

I would expect a value of about 35 ml/g

based on our studies,

In the enclosed chart, I have plotted biood volume

(liters) and red cell volume (liters) against total body wa-

ter (liters).

You will note that all but one of the Marshal-.

lese subjects lies well below the regression lines that both

Franois. Modre and I have found for healthy Caucasian subjects.
My data have not yet been published.

W.B. Saunders Co., Phil., 1963.





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Moores data will be

found in THe Body Cell Mass and Its Supporting Environment,

Lawrenes Berkeley bropsinhal

CartonNo. // 4

Folder No,


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