To record such data, photographically suitable light sources
linked to the hydrodynamic phenomena and cameras capable of resolving
emall fractions of a microsecond have to be available. The light
sources were provided for by the light radiated by the case of the
device when heated by the shock wave,

At both the mogiiiiien ::-. four LASL Model 100

streaking cameras and one
L Model 6 framing camera were employed,
Each of the Model 100 cameras photographed all the case shots; the
Model 6 was directed at the device end-on and was employed for qualitative reasons only.
isfactory pictures were obtained from the detonation of
device, Indications are that though allthe cameras
perrormed properly, a local heavy rainstorm between the bunker and
the zero site cut the light transmission down to essentially zero.
As a result no streaks were evident and all that was recorded by the
Model 100 cameras was the fireball as it swept by the field of view,

The Model 6 shows a faint glowing (Teller Light?) of about 11 microseconds duration and then a samewhat brighter glow growing in size

about 40 microseconds later.

2.2.4 Program 24, External Neutron Measurements
The object of Program 24 was to

measure the energy spectrum of

neutrons emanating from PG 2~-<<.
of about 2 per cent should be

An energy resolution

ed for the (d,t) peak.

Neutrons from the device coming down the Tenex pipe strike two
radiators, Recoil protons from (n,p) collisions in the radiators
are detected im nuclear emulsions. Measurements of proton rangea in
emulsion yield proton energies, from which the neutron energies may

be determined,

The signal-to-noise ratio in the exposed plates is good. The
single grain background is small, indicating a negligible exposure
to gammas and electrons. Under a magnification of 100Ux, there is
ebout 1 recoil proton from fission events per field of view and about
1 recoil proton from the (d,t) reaction per 20 fields of view. When
corrections are made for engles of observation, solid angle, radiator

thickness and the (n,p) cross-section, the resulting neutron energy

spectrum shows a peak at 14 Mev, super-imposed on a fission spectrum.

The (d,t) peak has about one-fourth of the area of the fission spectrum, There is a noticeable tail of the peak toward the low energy

side which would indicate a contribution of scattered 14 Mev neutrons


LANL, J-Div,



Select target paragraph3