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hearsal for Operation Castle at San Diego, California, in October



Final Requirements

Complete documentary motion picture and still coverage
of Operation Castle

duce the following:



required and obtained to pro-

Six "Quickies" (one for each shot).

Each "Quickie"

contained a description of the device used, major

instrumentation utilized, operational difficulties
encountered, anticipated results, and actual results,

Narration in all cases was restricted to Major Gene-

ral P, W. Clarkson, Dr. Alvin C. Graves, or a member

of TG 7.1.

These "Quickies" were primarily intended

to be a method of informing the top officials of the
AEC and White House of the progress made in the Forward Area and Classification was Top Secret Restrict-

ed Data.

This program was sponsored by JTF SEVEN

and print distribution was limited to two prints for
DMA, Washington, D.C., and one print for the Commander JTF SEVEN,


Task Force Commander's Report
This was a consolidated factual report narrated by

Major General Clarkson and Dr. Graves summarizing
the operational problems, expectations, and results
of Operation Castle.
Classification was Secret
Restricted Data,
This program was sponsored by JIF
SEVEN and exact print distribution is to be determined later.


Department of Defense Picture
This was sponsored by JIF SEVEN with emphasis on
military participation and military effects as re-

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lated to high yield devices.

~ was intended as a

training film.
Classification is Secret Restricted
Data and exact print distribution will be determined


Public Release Picture

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This was sponsored by AEC and was Unclassified.






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