
,, wlllizer

A damage and radiation survey was conducted at H+4 hr on

day. This survey covered the islands of the atoll and was
conclusive enough to limit reentry to Enyu and Airukiiji on the first
day. This survey indicated that recontamination was extensive through.
out the atoll and lagoon both to the east and west. No significant
secondary fall-out was encountered at Bikini as a result of this
Lagoon water was heavily contaminated with radioactive sediment,
Readings of ],
e obtained at 100 ft altitude in the vicinity of

zero point on


+l day.

Floating objects revealed readings, of

1 to 3 r/hr on sho@gays. Small boats and barges in Bikini-Enyu anch-

orage were contaminated to a moderate degree (1-6 rfnr). Lagoon ©
flushing through the southwest passage materially increased radiation
levels in Eniirikku-Bokororyuru areas.


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levels in the vicinity of Ourukaen, Bokoaetokutoku, and Bokororyuru,



over ground zero. This contamination moved to the west and southwest
Bo that small boat operations could be conducted in the area. Lagoon
flushing through the southwest passage materially increased radiation

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damage and radiation survey was conducted at approximately
H+h hr
day. This survey covered the islands of the atoll and
was concl
@ enough to limit reentry to the southerm and eastern
islands of the atoll. This survey indicated that radioactive contami-

nafiion extended north of a line from Bogallua to Piraai.


fai%%out amounting to 2 nr/hr was experienced at Parry on the evening

Lagoon water was moderately contaminated in the vicinity of the

chain Bogallua-Teiteiripucchi and cleared within two days.


Laboratory Data Summary

The bulk of the samples analysed by the radiation analysis sec-

tion of TU-7 were water samples, The specific activities in microcuries/milliliter of approximately 675 lagoon and drinking water sam-

Lagoon san-

pling was carried on to insure that ships' anchorages were not excessively contaminated. As the operation progressed it became evident




ples were determined during the course of the operation.


Select target paragraph3