
As a result of the

shot, the land areas of Bikini Atoll

---- were Closed except to work parties, and all personnel were quartered
aboard ship, which simplified the personnel evacuation problems for

subsequent testa.
Since shipboard space was limited, the numbers of
personnel at that site between shot times were reduced to half of the

peek reached in the latter part of February.

present at Bikini fo

Similiarly, the numbers

ster at shot time were of

experienced ‘oo For shots subsequent to

the Estes, Curt

d the Bairoko was

J-1 representative aboard.

ppalft that

Lgpstering on

accomplished personally by the

On the Ainsworth, where the population was

the greatest, a modified system of muster groups was used,

Once the

a) conewey checks were maintained to assure the complete
muster inte

used at

et Task Group personnel, At Eniwetok the system
was continued throughout the operation,

asterRSxact muster times varied with each shot and de-—
nded upon”existing conditions, but in general, a minimum amount of

time was permitted for mustering purposes,

Similiarly, not all musters

were concurrently conducted at Bikini and Eniwetok.
It is to be noted
that for
a muster was conducted at Bikini only.
Complete con-

trol of personnel movement to and from Eniwetok, close liaison with

phases of evacuation and reentry to facilitate the expeditious handling
of property of Task Group 7.1 requiring movement to and from various

points both at ee and Eniwetok.

coo a original planning called for evacuation of all

Task Group’ 7.1 property from sites Bokobyaadaa, Namu, Yurochi, R
and Acomoen to sites Eninman and Enyu as well as movement on
day of a mimber of semi-trailers and certain special cargo from Bikini
to Eniwetok by LST, In order to implement the above, J-4 personnel were
‘stationed at Namu, Romurikku, Enyu and Eninman to see that the evacuaticn was carried out without difficulty, which was accomplished with
the exception that it took three hours longer then planned to complete

the off-loading and placement of final loads of vehicles evacuated
to Enyu.

Original planning called for regent
and normal operation from
ashore sites after
m sceen it was found that



LANL, J-Div,




a Anh, , t


*Both prior la thereafter as the occasion required,
personnel of J-4 were stationed at strategic points during critical

mah oF tent





3.8.4 Evacuation of Property



J-3, and good commmications proved to be the solution to an easily
conpleted muster.

Select target paragraph3