
ranged from LST's through fleet tugs to destroyers. The USS Belle
Grove made two trips between atolls carrying loaded LCU's in order to
move Holmes and Narver heavy equipment which could not be carried in
other types of ships. Each time the LSD moved a shot barge, the extra
space in the well was utilized to carry loaded LCU's between atolls.
3.7.8 Off-Atoll Activities
Owing to the expanded facilities at Eniwetok and the inclusion

of Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Proving Grounds, off-atoll activities

were reduced in comparison to the number of such activities in Operation Ivy.
Of a total of nine off-atoll projects, eight were sponsored

by DOD.

In general these were concermed with long range effects and used existing facilities within their own organizations:
The projects involved in off-atoll activities were as follows:
a. Project 1.2 - Acoustic pressure signals in water, with
various stations in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
b. Project 1.6

- Water wave studies, a project participating

both locally and at stations at Midway, Wake, Guam and California.

._c, Project 4.1 - Biomedical studies, which were established

at Kwajalein to study the effects of the inadvertant fall-

out on the residents of Rongerik and Rongelap Atolls.

Project 7.1

- Electromagnetic Fadiation Calibration,


atations in the United States, Hawaii, Alasza, Scotland, and Greenland.
e. Project 7.2 - Detection of airborne low frequency sound,

with stations in Japan, Hawaii, Alaska, Greenland and Germany.

four other projects operating off-atoll for which direct

Support was arranged by this headquarters were as follows:

a. Projects 2.5a, 2.5bd - Fall-out Distribution Studies at

Kwa jelein, Ponape,

Kusaie and Mauro,

b. Project 17.1
lein and Ponape.

LANL, 4-Olv.

- Microbarography, with stations at Kwaja-


1 ne otf

five of the off-atoll projects required no active or continuous
support from this headquarters other than notification of shot delays.

Select target paragraph3