fission and threshold detectors, were employed to document the neutron
flux from


The fall-out instrumentation included a variety of types of collectors including samplers for total liquid and dry fall-out collection, intermittent collectors, and liquid aerosol collectors. The
lagoon and island areas local to the shot zero points were heavily

instrumented for all Operation Castle detonations except


encountered serious experimental and operational difficulties. The
problem was attacked initially by the employment of an array of free
floating buoys equipped with sample collectors. For
@m area
survey was mounted which involved surface and subsurfat
measurements, water sampling, and hydrographic measurements, This
survey covered a broad downwind zone to a distance of 200 miles and
met with a large measure of success.
Neutron flux me
gemma data for

and initial
established the nature and

magnitude of these effects for these types of high-yield surface


Initial gamma radiation and neutrons are of minor

significance in relation to other effects of such bursts,

Considerable information was obtained on the distribution and

characteristics of fall-out from high-yiel
and water surface
detonations. Extensive close-in data soric augmented by

a post-shot survey of numerous downwind islands within the path of
the fall-out toar
300 miles,
The oceanographic and radiological survey £o> gD 20208 good coverage of the principle
zone of downwind fall-out to a range of 200 miles.
The results of
the latter,
ed good buoy samples taken 35 to 50 miles

downwind for

hould allow evaluation of the nature and dis-

tribution of fall-out for high-yield surface-water bursts,


These results indicate that surface bursts of megaton yields
distribute casuaélty-producing fall-out over areas upwards of 1,000
Squere miles,
The oceanographic survey vor ibs indicates that the tech-

niques employed,

coupled with a rapid synoptic monitor survey of the

water surface by fast surface vessels or aircraft or both, provide a
Péesible method for documentation of fall-out over water areas.

¢.3.3 Program 3, Structures
The objective of Program 3 was to study the effects of blast in

Copleaypo E

LANL, J-Dly,




é hi

Documentation of fall-out over extensive downwind ocean areas

Select target paragraph3