\Y 25 18/8
Dr. William J. Bair

Finally, we will get a letter off to all participants once we have

a list of names, In that letter we will provide more travel details

and will make suggestions regarding clothing, footwear, cameras,


I look forward to seeing all of you at Enewetak,


Rogef/Ray, Project Manager

Enéweétak Rafliglogical
Support Projéct


T, F, McCraw, USDOE,

DOES, Wash., DC
W. J. Stanley, Dir., PASO
ERSP Manager, Enewetak

Mr. Paul J. Mudra, Director

Operations Support Division
Nevada Operations Office

U. S. Department of Energy
P, O. Box 14100
Las Vegas, Nevada 89114
Telephone: (702) 734-3306
FTS: (598) 734-3306

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