Roger Ray, AM/E&S, NV


September 22, 1975

I recognize that these general construction suggestions could be
offensive to somebody who has already planned the building andall,
but I repeat them in complete innocence. I feel that the building
itself should be wood where possible and pretreated for termites.
There should be built-in prefabricated cabinet storage space. There
should be locks on all the doors. I have made a pencil sketch to
cover the overall view of the dispensary and suggestions for a layout.
I have drawn an examining room which is rather typical. The couch
may be superfluous.

The wall storage and work table are outlined

with storage underneath. The gynecological examination table and
needs suggested. Also, a buzzer call system would be convenient.
I suspect that the economy of rebuilding Bikini is in a tight bind and’
getting worse with inflation, but I recognize that maybe a little leeway
should be given in the dispensary area because it does first, represent
a community need andsecond, it can be anticipated to be used more

and more. To obviate having to enlarge it later, it would seem good
to make it larger at first. As far as the flooring is concerned, I
suppose it will be cement. It would be nice if it could have a finished
cement floor that is easily kept clean. A cementflooring covered

with a grout and then polished down would be ideal for the area but I
imagine it is too expensive.

If one good suggestion comes out of this whole thing, I hope that it
will be worthwhile to whoever is doing the work, particularly, for
the people of Bikini.

oie yeco D.



Kula, Maui, Hawaii

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