Response to Question






It is my understanding that the 1978 survey of nuclear radiation in the
northern Marshall Islands was undertaken to characterize the
radiological environment of the islands.
Because I was not a participant in the 1978 survey, I was not given
information about the general directions advanced by DOE to the survey
Since I was hot a participant, I was not given information about
It is my understanding that
specific tasks that were to be undertaken.
the results of the survey were to be documented in reports prepared by
those performing the survey and published by the contractor
organization, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
I have no personal knowledge of and have no copies of the scope, general
directives, work documents, work plans or other documents which discuss
the purpose of the survey.
I do not have information about the total budget for the survey.
Pacific Northwest Laboratory incurred costs of $156,397.41 in the
preparation and printing of the DOE-1982 booklet, “The Meaning of
Radiation for Those Atolls in the Northern Part of the Marshall Islands
That Were Surveyed in 1978.”

Response to Question 2



I do not have precise information about when the survey was initiated.
I assume that the survey was completed with the publication of Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory’s report, UCRL-52853 Pt. 5, dated August
I do not know what the Rongelap people were told about the survey prior
to their receipt of the DOE-1982 booklet.
Marshallese government officials, including representatives of the
Rongelap people, attended a meeting in Majuro in December 1982 at which
the information contained in Marshallese in the DOE-1982 booklet was
I was present at the meeting.
Also, in the spring of 1983 a
DOE team visited Rongelap.
I was not able to participate in the visit
to Rongelap.
I do not have knowledge about studies, reports, briefings, or other
communications given the Rongelap people during the time the study team
was engaged in its work.

Response to Question 3

Changes made between the first two books and the DOE-1982 booklet
(1) Improved description of radioactivity and radiation from atomic
bombs and from natural sources.
(2) Improved description of transport of radioactive materials from
soils to the food chain and to man.
(3) A more detai led approach to describing how radiation causes changes
in cells which lead to biological effects.


Select target paragraph3