Henry I. Kohn, MD, PhD


W.J.5=; R
May 9, 1988
W. J. Bair, Ph.D.
Manager, Life Sciences Center
Pacific Northwest Laboratories
P.O. Box 999
Richland, WA 99352


Dear Bill,
Thank you for your comments on the draft of April 20, 1988.
I have changed the current draft to follow the intent of your remarks, and
the changes
. shown on the pages which are enclosed.
As I understand it, you and Drs. Healey and Wacholtz were in
the position of messengers delivering a message for DOE.

In writing the

text, I have always tried to make DOE responsible for DOE-1982, not You.
I hope the changes introduced now will make this quite clear. Note especially
the statement in Section 1.2, paragraph

Sincerely yours,

Enc1. “Pp.3,4; 11 (your 18): 15 (your 23); 19 (Your 28);
23 (yOUr 34); 29 (Your 42)*

1203 Shattuck Avenue


CA 94709

(415) 526-0141

Select target paragraph3