.. . ... . .. . . — . .- ----- ... ------- . .._ .-. .-——— —----—- -.—- .L?~~” [ 409948 @Battelle Pacific Northwest Bmelle Laboratories Boulevard 0 P.O. Box 999 Richiand, ., Teiephone \\ ’ashineton 99352 (509)S75-2421 February 20, 1990 Honorable Ron de Lugo Chairman, Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs 1626 Longworth House Office Building U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: Enclosed is my” response to questions posed in your letter dated January I hope the answers are helpful. 1990. 12, Sincer 1 , \ R& W.J. air, Ph.D. Manager Life Sciences Center —.-.-—xc: RW CD R WL BW .... ..—.—— Baal_man Fransen Ray Robison Wachholz REPOSITORY *AWL* COLLECTION Mwskd( BOX No. FOLDER v Z’sbd$ 5@?9 k’lfa~shl[ Xs{ehck .- —