Wane acove history of Bikini and EnivetoQPaicates Age had Yev,
f any, contractual obligations to perform clean-vuo at its own
expenses and no pudlic pressures which would compel it to do so.
Todey the contract terzs would determine whether or not AEC would
fund a clean-up. As to the physicel clean-up, it would appear


From recent situations such as Weldon Spring raffinate pits and

Lake Ontario Ordnance Works that AEC would be responsiole for
waking action to perform cleen-uo if AEC had been @ principal

contrioutor to or cause of the contamination,avsent any con-

tractual transfer of this responsioility to a licensee ar othe
Federal agency.







, 4d fo


R. Cochran, Real Estate
Management Specialist
Division of Contracts

DP 326 _St-) Ber

Nia(8 13

Select target paragraph3