e. Noted that a press release such as Appendix
“C' to AEC 949, as revised will be issued following
the negctiaticn of the above contract of sale with

£, Noted that the JCAE will be notified of the
sale ofheavy water to Sweden, upon completion

of negotiations by letter such as appendix ''B"’

to AEC 949, as revised;

g. Neted that ANC 949 is unclassified.
The Commissioners then indicated that no heavy water should

actually be shipped to Sweden until the bilateral agreement is signed
or until it is clearly evident that the agreement will be signed, The
Commissioners agreed, however, that arrangements for providing

the heavy water may proceed,

Mr, Strauss suggested that the letter to the JCAE and the
press release indicate that the Swedish company which is
purchasing the heavy water is a government-owned company.

W, B. McCool


Approved by the Commission: Meeting 1293, june 27, 1957

- 794 -

Select target paragraph3