¢. Noted that the International Cooperation
Administration has been requested to defray the
costs of foreign and domestic transportation and
living expenses for foreign participants;
d, Noted that the Division of Information
Services in cooperation with the Department of
State, U.S, Information Agency, and International
Cooperation Administration will prepare an infor~
mation plan for the Symposium;
e. Neted that the Joint Committee has been
informed of the proposal to convene an InterAmerican Symposium by letter dated September
14, 1956; and

f. Noted that AEC 460/32 is unclassified.

AEC 947/1 - Propesed Agreement for Cooperatien with

The Commissioners discussed a proposed Agreement for
Cooperation with the Government of Norway, and also a recommendation for the sale of 12 tons of heavy water to Norway.
Mr, Libby observed that this proposed Agree™ent is similar
to the French Agreement in that it provides for the exchange
of unclassified information only. He said he believed that
in the future this type of agreement will probably be preferred
by foreign countries, Mr, Strauss observed that the safeguard
provisions under both classified and unclassified agree™Ments
are the same, Mr, “itchell pointed out that this is the first
instance in which a bilateral agree™ent refers to assistance
in the construction of nuclear powered Merchant ships.
After further discussion, the Commission:
a. Approved the draft Agree'Nent for Cooperation
with the Govern™ent of Norway, attached as the Appendix

to AEC 947/1;

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Select target paragraph3