


T. L. Shipman, M.D,


16 June 1953

decontamination by earth-moving was started, on Engebi, about 1 November

1949, with Mr. Wm, Rhodes, H-Division, LASL, on duty.

During February

1950, with the decontamination work on Engebi completed, and the work
on other islands nearing completion, Mr. Rhodes was relieved as RadSafety Officer by Mr. Jack Aeby, H-Division, LASL,} and another survey

was made by Dr. Simon Shlaer, starting 25 February;

The following is

excerpted from his report (Confidential) to W. A. Curtis, AEC Resident
Engineer, dated 1 March 1950,
The islands were surveyed with MX-6 monitoring instruments
sensitive only to gammas.

The permissible weekly dose at the

present time in the laboratory at Los Alamos is 300 milli-

roentgens (MR.) per week.

With the present work week at Eniwetok

of 54 hours, the maximum dose rate for continuous exposure is
about 5.5 MR. per hour.

Engebi — 25 February 1950

The entire graded area within the 1,000 foot radius from
zero was found to have an activity below 1 MR. per hour for
the most part.

At the outermost edges of this area occasional

spots with 1.5 MR. per hour can be found,

No indication of the position of the old tower base could be

detected with the instruments. Metal scrap with activities
as high as 3.5 MR. per hour can be found just outside the
graded area, both seaward and along the sero line,
Top soil samples from the vicinity of the location for the
new tower were collected and beta activity of this has been

measured to evaluate the necessity of moistening the soil

PORN 258 50M 6-52

during operations there,



Select target paragraph3