yo , ff “wo < ] Tos ee 8 mY ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY ) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO mnatin ere nahn pai itt “Ton glomagiis ———— eetFFICE quem wes TO : T. L. Shipman, M.D., H-DO FROM : 7, N, White,? H-6 SUBJECT: UNG LARS IFIED CL PATE: 16 June 1953 byattheernnntedU. te by authority of Tee PE Atomic EE AS mM : Ch : Ss ~ 7 age eee mw tL-) “5.3 . . "Bandetwitte operation Comprized three shots as follows: & ame of Shot X-ray 7 Yoke zebra ‘| 1948 Date Island 15 Apr. Ingebi 1 May Aomon 15 May Runit dition of the Shot Islands was conducted by Dr. Simon Shlaer, Health 64 L22 ke Pe <Sonwe| ) perso n faking the change and date _..D° RisSH. DUUTING —_ sification and author izing change in clas date) Thy Starting 5 October, 1948, a preliminary survey of the radiological con- ( - & io 2 POow - 4oO 5 ‘ ; during the weeks following the shot on that Island. Within 300 yards of ground sero, the most radioactive regio, there was no trend of intensity with distance, the readings varying in an irregular way between approximate limits of 30 to 100 mr/hr. there was a rapid decrease in intensity, was less than 1 mr/hr. From 300 to 750 yards Beyond 750 yards the intensity At ground zero the readings ranged fram 40 to ocation about 1000 feet from ground zero, he found that the activity A2l~ x> ois sities on Engebi was not much different from what had been observed y excavating successive layers of soil in an exceptionally radioactive Cl-2 > He found that the general pattern of relative inten- 50 er/hr, depending on the amount of steel left in the tower stubs. = i or son tf Division, LASL. - g g FfoO F ORM 25% 75M 2-92 . yee me gots TOA ° in any *044G0 7 OUTLINE OF RAD-SAFE opsrunrara.as Agvotion as i L f the soil decreased rapidly with depth, The activity in the 6 to 7 neh layer was less than 1% of the activity in the top inch. (Report YY