internal methane gas-flow counting chambers at the Laboratory of
Radiation Biology in Seattle.

Counts per plate were converted to disinte:

grations per minute per gramof wet tissue by correcting for sample
weight, geometry, backscatter and self-absorption.

For a more complete

discussion of these procedures see Donaldson et al. (1953).
Other tissues were treated similarly, with the exception of liver,in
which case the whole organ was removed from each specimen.

Ifa suf-

ficient number of specimens of a single species was obtained, the tissues
were treated separately as in the case of goatfish and halfbeak from

Kabelle Island (see Table 1).
Decay rates for radioactivity of tissues of fish collected in 1956 were
calculated because there were indications that Rongelap Atoll was


nated during the Redwing operation.
Gamma spectra and total gamma counts were made on dried or ashed

Samples in a single channel, 50-position, automatic advance, gamma spectrometer using a two-inch, well-type sodium iodide crystal.


analyses were made by ion-exchange resin column and radiochemical pre-

cipitation techniques

The radioactive isotopes contained in the separate

fractions were identified by determination of the gamma energies,

beta mass absorption studies using aluminum foil.

and by

Correction factors for

converting beta and gamma counts to disintegrations per minute were calculated by the use of standards of known energies.

Details of the procedures

used are given by Lowman et al. (1957).




Select target paragraph3