Radiobiological analysis of the reef fishes of Rongelap and
Ailinginae Atolls indicated that a recontamination of the area occurred in 1956.

Gross levels of beta activity in muscle tissue

ranged from 0.016 to 0.038 uc/kg wet weight.

The levels of

radioactivity in bone and muscle tissues of fish collected during
1957 were about the same as the levels for similar tissues col-

lected in 1955.

Gamma spectra analysis and ion-exchange methods |

revealed the presence of Zn69

Coe%7 C058) C60, Mn°4, and Fe%9,

Radiostrontium was found only in small amounts (about . 0014 uc/kg
wet weight) in the bone of fish from Kabelle Island, Rongelap Atoll.
Approximately 40 per cent of the total radioactivity in the reef fishes
was due to Zn65

28 per cent to cobalt, 26 per cent to Fe) and 6

per cent to other radionuclides.

Select target paragraph3