
goatfish caught at Kabelle Island.

The radioactivity in muscle tissue

was Zenerally about the same in Kabelle and Enibuk reef fish.
Gamma radioactivity in the muscle averaged about 26 per cent that
of the liver with variation of from 7 to 48 per cent.
slightly lower, the muscle to liver ratio

with a range of from 5 to 27 per cent.

Beta activity was

averaging about 19 per cent,

The greatest difference in the

amounts of both gamma andbeta radioactivity between liver and muscle
was found in the goatfish.
Gamma Spectra
Gamma spectra were made on dried samples of tissue to determine

if gamma peaks other than those from expected fission products were

The gamma spectrum curves obtained from various fish

tissues are compared with spikes of radioactive cobalt and radioactive
zinc in Figure 3 (top, center panel).
The gamma spectra (made in October 1957) on whole samples
exhibited certain common


with peaks



positions as follows:

0.12 MEV considered to be from Co97

0.51 MEV



" Zn65

0.84 MEV



" Mno4

1.12 MEV



" 7n85

1.33 MEV



" €o60


MS ys

Select target paragraph3