that if the missile got out of control
areas, most prominently the Hawaiian

it could reach a number of inhabited


There is also the emotional

advantage of a short range missile that the time from launch to detonation
would be so short that. those in control would not be able to make any
Ahi ale Ly

decisions, hence teleaving-jhem from the responsibility.
The Navy offered the Polaris missite which could be launched from the
surface ship otxtneQservation Te land vine hence could carry whatever RV
we built to fit it without submarine launch considerations.

This offer had

the advantage that the launch site was already built; however, the observation
island had some time restrictions on it.
guess we'd better find out.
we'd better check that.

The reasons I've forgotten and |

I'm not even sure the name Observation Island--

It did appear that cooperation between the task force,

the rv builder and the Navy would be difficult.

And, a sea based

alf the rest of the instrumentation on Johnston Island

launch with

led to some hesitation

on the part of the task force.
Nik@ Hercules did not have the range for most of the shots proposed nor could
it carry the warheads desired.


it appeared that it would be

difficult to put in all of the destruct features.
When these considerations were first entered

into in the fall of

I961, the

Air Force had put aside some half-dozen Thor missiles for possible task force

However, as time went on and the task force began to look favorably also

on the Polaris missile, the Air Force released these particular Thors.

In spite

of this, the Air Force and their contractor, Douglass, were most enthusiastic and

convincing in their Cescriptions7 Lab perse
of the Thor missile.
tc Laced


had done their homework well, hancdetretemc/ the schedules required for the~zg
of the launch site on Johnston Island and the required changes in the missile.
(| forgot to mention that one of the considerations of the missile was that it



Select target paragraph3