predicted to be

however, were/greater than

we had experimental


information fog.



a mode! of the eye burn effects was agreed upon between the effects people
concerned that al lowed a yield to be chosen for the 200 kilometer -hjight of

The largest yield acceptable to the task force was

which was then agreed upon as the proposed Blue Gill shot.

A lower altitude

detonation at ! believe 150 kilometers was flatly refused by the task force.

t megaton detonation at 400 kilometers, Starfish, was accepted from the

safety point of view for reasons given earlier.

Ouring these negotiations, a

higher altitude shot of 1,000 kilometers was proposed by the AEC.
of that shot was to be 10 kilotons.

MA’ I"ve sort of forgotten.


The yield

We better talk to Herman about the purpose

The shot was tentatively agreed upon on the assumption

v that the field facilities, particularly the number of missiles,and time would



\allow it.

In other words, it was to be treated as a lower priority shot than

the other high altitude detonations.

Thus, at the beginning of detailed

planning there were thew high altitude shots proposed.
review my memory and put in a section on King Fish,
shot at 50 kilometers but I've forgotten.)

(I'm going to have to

| believe it was a
So, at this time there

were four shots proposed, King Fish or whatever it was; Blue Gill
at 200 kilometers; Starfish, a megaton or a


10 kilotons at 1,000 kilometers.

little over at 400 kilometers; and

During this same time efforts were

taking place to try to choose a missile to deliver F device% to altitude.
There were possibilities from each of the services and all three services were
most anxious to help in this endeavor.

The prime contenders were the Polaris

missile from the Navy, the Thor missile from the Air Force, Redstone from the
Army and to a lesser extent, the Nik@ Hercules from the Army.

The Task Force

commander, General Starbeard, took the direct responsibility of arriving at
this decision seeking of course counsel te wherever feasibles in particular,
he brought into this consideration his scientific deputy and military deputies.

Select target paragraph3