However, the positions agreed to for the detonations between ourselves
and the British was over quite deep water and the navy did not at that
time have the expertise to moor either vessels or rafts in water at that

{f memory serves me right,

that up)

it was about 15,000 ft.

(We can look

However, a gentleman from Scripps, whose name | can't remember

at the moment, works in tsunamis and earthquakes and so on, (works for
Willard Baskin)had been doing experimental work in deep water with a new
type of mooring philosophy and was quite sure he could do the job.


had the normal administrative go around with the navy who did not wish to
learn any new techniques but simply wished to say we couldn't moor the
rafts there.

However, that was eventually overcome.

The mooring system


basically consisting of deep sea anchors with bowser nylon ropes or
plastic ropes was eventually installed and operated satisfactorily throughout the operation.

Procurement of the rafts themselves was also somewhat

of a slip since we wanted not only radar reflectors on the rafts but beacons
if possible.

As | remember the nee was achieved as a result of a debate

ss N

between the Air Force and Navy and_Homes—erd-trrer and while there was some

sweat about procuring the rafts on time they eventually


in time for

the operation.
As part of the philosphy of operating at Johnston island and Christmas where

facilities were limited we kept everything possible back at +hetewe.


required facilities both for the AEC and for the laboratories and for the
military there.

These facilities were largely procured by accommodat isng

Task Force activities dealing with the military Gn particular with CINCPAQ,


and Hemes~and=Aever also dealing with both military and civilian contractors.
A trailer park was set up on Hickam to furnish laboratory office space for
laboratory personnel, both AEC and DOD, and a fair amount of space was loaned
to the task force for the use of the Air Force both for administrative space


Select target paragraph3