arranged for the importation of an adequate number of Phil@pino mess
attendants)Navy personnel.

It was somewhat embarrassing to eat in those

pleasant and even luxurious surroundings knowing that a few hundred feet
away most of the people had to eat in the rather degrading circumstances
that were the best we could furnish at that stage of the operation.


took most of the duration of the Christmas Island operation to straigten
out the messy problem.

The problem of getting the materials to the island

by other than air was a serious one,

since there were no docking facilities

(we should look this up in the records, my memory is that we got the navy
to furnish one or two LSD's for a trip or so to land on the beach and we
eventually dredged a channel a little bigger so that we could use better
lightering facilities,

it was a serious problem).


The British, however, did have one facility that lightened our daily burden

They had a very nice 40 foot boat rigged up for fishing and

some of the best fishing in the world is off of Christmas Island.


this facility was not available for everyonesekcou lé not be used all the
time, it was nevertheless a great help.

There was also very good shore

fishing for white fish in the laggoon, and longustas could be obtained by
the truckloads.

Christmas Island was not as nice as some of the other atdls

for swimming although it was not too bad in some of the smaller lagoons or

The lagoons with openings close to the ocean were shark infested

and only in a few spots on the island could one get to good ocean swimming.
In the problems of setting up the appropriate conmand ag[contro apparatus ,
the island communication$to Hawaii and U.S. were difficult but were done in

an exemplary fashion by the then J-5.
In order to drop the bomb, it was not only necessary to provide drop cases
that would accept essentially any odd shaped device the laboratories came up

Select target paragraph3