because one of those miscalculations occurred so that the plane actually
got as close to the detonation as the original proposal had desired.


another aside| should comment ony personal communications, the telephone
communications from Christmas were very poor% in fact, they may not have

I've sort of forgotten now.

They were restricted to offical use.

There was, as had been so in previous operations)a demand on the part of
private individuals to occassionally make contact with their ftoved ones.
So a Hamp radio station was set up, by Livermore | believe.

The Livermore

people tended to use it when the official communications were closed to
them because they didn't have sufficient priority and at least on one
occasgion, the final operational decision on the part of Livermore Laboratory
and the AEC in the case of one shot reached the Task Force Commander via
Livermore personnel on the island using their Hamm radio some hours before
it reached him in the official communication channel.

This was, of course,

somewhat distressing to the military communications system personnel


In parallel with the kagkskkz moves, the logistic problems had to be faced.
The island construction, maintenance, feeding etc. problems were taken on


with enthusiasm and vigor by the AEC contractor, Homes=sarbestexves.

Clee 9

The armed

feerent, “particularly the ty, offered a great deal of assistance in the

way of material.



worked on the island, was in charge of

Riley Shaw who was a harrassed man throughout the entire operation.


British power plant operated at 50 cycles and the normal distribution, system
was at 230 volts.
of it.

hak ee

That's a great amount of American gear besnot work of f

Thus, fem auxillary power for technical equipment had to be furnished

and H&N brought in generators for that purpose.

The British water system was

completely inadequate for American needswhile it was used for a tittle while,
sea water stills were brought in and installed to furnish fresh water as soon
as possible.

The housing facilities had to be refurbished and the appropriate


Select target paragraph3