Mr. Brian Farley


usgug wu


vodaod abi.






October 13, 1972

venimexs sleesa sit to sme no Delnsmmoost 28W Jnsmjssx3 Cele vant all
syomo1q 93 emivys to sayisani oft oi
.atecitio issibsm [sse0f srt of

¢.siiestablished.n.loiview: of; themextensivesrveatmats shatinwoaldibaeied 5s

22 needed: fors thiss patient;-werarrangeds tebhaveshimadmeted toothesxs

National» Cancer: institute;€dinica lLCengeciiin: Berhkesd’y Marylandxs

This is the leadingohospdtai inythes United! Stageesnforotrpatmane of1
such cases. On October 3, I took the patient down by hospital plane
. to. Marylands:i2 Cat legrams” weressents requestingi bhaen shei mithers And
fatheri of
bes sent toi WathingtoaysW1s do abs gobemasi pogsiblboat
I3l AEC expenses :Also,° SebeoShoniberl anheadthratde: arsMajiso wasisvs
requestedsas-dnterpretes .osThei £achkergb
iande Sebeogmazrited
Friday, October6s and> are2 withb-thes pastent25ube have, nptsyetsbrem I
notified of: the: arrangements for) thel motherdéetravelad tiery mivisr

.ansmssestd ode moitaul ave rsditul rol bsbnemmoz21 gs19w Isitqeod
. Examination. of: the: Utird k.-peep les dige not weveady awry: onusaads oti
siqaexpeeted conditions theeimightibeitelated to madiati omexposare.i

Fhe incidence. of: thyroid: abnormalities: wam qnitec iow and nats differs ent

from 'thatute ba expected: iniany:isiandsgroup.bns 943 55 omwj{sM tisl
Qf convo) stow agaay Aiwss evet sis to wot
.tenimaxs rest saisd

(ot Jaan bothsRengelap andi Utir lk, secomumendbkionsswerenmareniti theses
Trustuferritoryshealthi sé¢ruicvess personned eicernimg requisitions of
certain additional drugs and equipment and checking of. drugs: ndnss
on. A better arrangement for local record-keeping on the islands was

discussed inoluding- data from cur meddinad? examinationsysithyraiog treatment! andi traasfer ofc. sueliintfermabion shear indimisinabsl moyertpsianegher

(Cisdand..i Dhese matterssbreihtdidy ume dibCtisstionmanimaxs teal sonia
f1ig zoijc snT
.ssngniliA 38 sys ic is9y 9n0 18 bsaoqxs aged bad onw

.t 925 Afters ourreeécordss hayes arrivedsandiwnelysenl ots dilood! date:bamew been
wade weiwilltbecin-a positionto reportomore: comprehensive lys on, findings
of! the: past~ survey.euiTf Iieanbe. off any: furchem help atithis times please

>llermevknowa igs esd .s9eLo Sivuvagy seslisnderiss rsdiao 2d io yasm no
842 fo uI.ss3tOuVenS13 2synSi1s 02 sidteeoq 2f Ji 25 nooe 2B vegrit 0

n9oWith® best regardgyomeniws visniailer

.bosisvalsS 93 2ansitsq


toil bss1ste2

orfw ,O0f ays ,Siso .nictaA fed2t
.avoitse yvrow at sesa,brid2 sdT
wol 8 yV8H 902 bivot 2sw ys1ls3n0A nO 988 eek 4 18 ho2iixa 2sw
ai 19a£f 3muo2 rnsast Vo
wv erie nid getfio anes Lis» hoold stidw

teste bioivas bed viavoivests ben vod a4dT

. Rober trv ComardyyvMe Dads

desi asdw bap Xd@l at basig 38da to eslubon gginsd to {svoma1 x0}
RAG 1solv al
.tiulssd sd of Souokt esw sd [VOL doxwsM ai benimsxs

zisw ¢9. the. latest two caseg, omvA sel{qirl 93 au dsiw fovxst Hoo3
SWoOLOR Peal enicbas Woltur sod .iieesoave 8 398 03 ,tavswod ,sidanu
GR io
wvioserotst Ian citad cevestioord o3 Agad mtu sisz o2 bobissb
CBW SeduaGe. JuGnugulavwey s4yu08 lo 2iaongsio sda 3tsd3 w1oqe1 23 vitog



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