



EsQ. 12065, Section
By). _waRs,





The military staff of Joint Task Poree Scven included Reer
Py Sariiral Willian 5. Fars ng, USN, and Major Gcnorsl William 3.

“Kepner, USAF, as Deputy Commanders.

General Kepner also served

ras Commander Air Forecs, Joint Task Forcerad Scven.
- General Claude B. Ferenbauch was Chict of Staff.

Noval units of the Joint Tesk Fores worc


commanded by. Rear

Brigedicr Renerel David A. De
Admiral Francis C. Denebrink.
Osden, USA, commanded Army urits “if the Task Force and Major
General Roger NM. Ramey, USAF, was in command of Air Porce unit
‘under the overall dircetion of Genersl Ucpnsre

The major portion of the Joint Tesk Force soiled from Pearl

Harbor an 8 Merch in ships 2f the Noval Task Group. Flagshipof
the force was the ‘cammaned ship USS Mount NeKinley,. vetaran:.of





tha Pacific wor and of the Bikini atomic tests.
The four’ ships
of the convoy hed aboard the principal participants, both<sclentifie and militery. Construction -f the praving ground, Ahad, been >
commenced in lnte December 1947 by General Ogden! 3: Armyjunits,, in

accordance with plans developed in coirdination with the’Scicntific.


Same of our esonstructioan was performed by civilian,contract.

Onc of the mist cxtcnsive ornstruction projects was ‘that’ of
signal communicatlon, Both radio ane tclephone sorvico was re-

Nearly 1,005,000 feot of subsarine
direction of the U. S. Cract Gusrd.

cable was laid-under os fe .

Incidentally, Lit might interest you ta know thatwithin the

Task Fores in addition t+ the Solentific personnel from,the: ABC'S
Los Alam>s Sclentific Laboratory at New Mexles, and many,‘other

ports of the country, woe had engaged st different perisds:during

the preparation for ond conduct of the tests peraonne)’, from the
Army, Nevy, including iierines, Air Forec, Const Guard,.Public

Health Service,

Crsst and Geodctic Survey,

civilian employce’s from

the different Services and civilisns working under conkrsct.: Cone. i

sequently, upon orrival «af the
eyothe te
osientific sroun zas able to come nes its preparations Amediately:

During the period of canstruction and preparation.‘for ‘the|
tests some 50, 000 mongsurement tons of matcrial, supplics. and
equipment were shipped from the mainland and from Oehu; tothe- teat

Some of this was shipncd by air although the bulk,:"0

went by water.



It wes decided st the sutset that the mast oconamibal®means”
of mounting the ‘peration would be to utiiiac the cxlatingadmine F

istrative and logisticosl channels of tho three Servicess"Primarily;


these Channels were Commander in Chicf, Pacifie, ‘and ‘Cohmande’r*‘An:

Chicf, Pacific Floct; U. Ss. ADI Pacific; Pacific. Air’ ‘Command¢ the Pacific Division, Air TranBoort Command; and ‘the-‘NaveUAL r.
Transpont Service.
We also had th: servlecs of ‘the: Westorh”‘Oecan 2
Division, Corps of Engineers, Department of the arny, sat“Sausalito, -.

California; the Navel Supply Cantons at Qaklond ond: Pont: Hucheme, . “|

California, and et Pearl Haroor; and the San Franelsca’ and Seattle.
Ports of Embarkatinn.

Select target paragraph3