Memo to Files


DOI may have to seek ERDA assistance in some of the laboratory
analysis. There was no objection to having an independent panel
of medical experts review the results of the examinations.
The DOI had received by teletype an interim reply to the October 10,

1975, letter to Mr. Clements, DOD, about support for the aerial

survey. This essentially said that when Mr. Clements came back
they planned to have him send another negative response,
As for the need for a NEPA statement, the Department of Justice
and DOI agreed that at this time there is no need for NEPA statements, since most of the major Government actions on resettle-

ment was begun before NEPA was enacted, and that no other major
Federal actions are underwayat this time.
The informal hearing on the amended motion for preliminary injunction before Judge King began at 10:00 a.m., November 1, 1975.
The MLC's lawyer stated that the basic things they were concerned
with was:
Stopping the Bikini resettlement.

Preparing an Environmental Impact Statement.

Protecting funds furnished for the Bikini program from
reprogramming actions.

They also referred to the medical examinations and the radiological
Judge King raised a question about the kind of immediate relief they
were seeking under the proposed injunction. He urged the parties
to negotiate as many of the issues they could.
Mr. Chang offered the plan for medical examinations, and Mr. France
gave a brief background of the Bikini program, of the aerial survey,
and noted that the matter was a complicated interagency administrative problem which was still to be settled. He further stated the

position that a NEPA statement was not required at this OE ARCHIVES

The hearing was adjourned so the two sides could negotiate. An
agreement was reached on the medical examination and a written
statement was signed later in the day. In summary the agreement
calls for MLC to submit the names of medical experts hopefully
from NIH or other Government programs from which DOI and MLC
will agree ona panel of three. DOI will prepare material for the

Select target paragraph3