Severe) munbers of the Grew have resestl” -eturns fren Gremhouss as vill
be indiested in ether sestions ef the repert.

2. BR. Widte is st11 emmy ct Geentouss.

3. Nenitering (Carl Bushland, Reber. Zerker:
1. Sonera
Maxine Hine jefeed the Pile Sub-Jeetion op May 12.

“aliz Tighl joined

the Cenaral Moxitering Sud—deetion om May |
Geerge Littlejoim le:* ‘or Greemnouse m “ay (8. 2. .. Soover returasd
from Oreenhouss on May 21.

Cusriew Maskell reterned fren Dablgrea ox Many 18, and Alex Cutlerres
laM for Sabligres on Migy 15.
The Bevede plans vere re-worked agsin.

2 alare-type reed moniter bas

been ordered for gurveying the vehicies leaving the Comtrol Puist ares.
Tae tw redom bresth semplers acre -sen received and are being repaired




ty Calvin Lintem.

After repeis and the reeaipt of same standard seuress, Calvin

Well motify Bal Memitering fer taining ip “te we of the instruments. They

will bo permanently installed in G-dutlding tasment South cide, if the reader
background is found to be lav.

2, Damen)
4 epesial TD renestion was earvayes fer the A, Seeep.

nee bean negative te dute.

rine esuris

Se gaumas fuend; ceutres telarunses ware estab

Lished with the assistanse ef the Moephysice Section.
Qn geil 28, Pajerito received « leaking meeb-Clestem sumree thst highly
contexinsted three U=-2 persemel ani their clothes and a emmplete warehouse and
its equipment.

Righ nose counts were feund an urimalyees were sagative.


weeks vere spent on decontamination, Necomendations were gives on aay this



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