Oven a superficial survey of the individual croup reperts indicates that
.cenl problems contiaued to reeeive careful attention.

Shiguests ef ecuree

material to (M-10 eve been resuned and further Baye Canyen qpepetions care
anticipated within the emming aemth.
dn April 23 a somsidereble part of the “ns; erite Leaboratery bene seriously
camtemionted Grem «a leaking soures eantainer.

‘hrve aan and their elothing

were completely eomtamimated, as was an entire warebruse and its equipment.


wereful survey imiieated thet there bed bees w absorption of aetive material.
-t wes neeaseary, hevever. to devote appruximtaly wo veeks to deconteminating

<aereful reeamenmdations nave 2sem sede which are boped vill pre

vent any sept ef rupetitios.

The industrial sesident experience cf the waboretery ecutinues to be

Dering the period Jamary 1 to May 1 there beve been four dieshling

injuries with an everage ef 6.3 days lost per injury.

It ean be painted out

wits sride that the reogrd also ehows the emliest amber of moter vehicle
gecidents fc~ exy mosth in the Laboratary'+

Sstary - « total of three acsiiants

4uwolving a tetal evet of 069.00.
Ymmbers of the reseereh croup ‘sve contimed steady progress.

‘he Organic

Zection bas eupleted the ayzthesis of Vitam: I labeled with C4, ond the
Sloehbenistry Sestian bas qubsitted for deelassifiastion and publication a paper
on the abeerption, retestion, ami amsretios of tritium.

“a this paper telerence

Levels are prepesed and thare .s no reason o fea) that these Sligures vill not

be seeapted by the Division af Mology and ‘edicine. ‘The proposed levals are
as follows:

for tritium as RTO in inspired air: 6 x LO” meee.
Yor tritius as HT in inmmpired act


().> svayae.

00131125 002


Select target paragraph3