Af cer their removal from Bikini, the people were taken
to various places including Rongerik and Kwajelein, but

eventually were resettled at the exceedingly inhospitable
island of Kili in the southern Marshalls, a very small place
without a lagoon.

Such efforts as the government has made

to fulfill the wish of the people of Bikini to resettle their

atoll have been marked by poor coordination among the relevant
executive agencies, poor planning and even more disappointing

The people of Bikini have never actually excepted

the return of the atoll from the United States, because they
have never been satisfied that everything that can reasonably be

done to clean up the atoll and redevelop it has been done.
After the resettlement of the atoll by a few Bikinians nearly
10 years ago, the atoll was ordered evacuated last August by
the Department of the Interior, putting the entire project
right back where it started in 1968 with the announcement by
President Lyndon B. Johnson that the people would be resettled
to their homeland.
During the time those few Bikinians were living at
Bikini atoll, they received some radiation exposure, but the
Department of Energy has never published a scientific or
technical report on the matter.

As we have said, we are not

counsel for the people of Bikini, but we are informed that
they have a strong desire to return to and resettle Bikini


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