
tere individual
/6 acre pepper
direction and
agents. A pilot
ction for local
way at Ponape
> far. A total of
lished rice was



ruit, pandanus,
imber of other

d mainly for
the remaining

potential and
ich island place
1 the various
Palau District,

Hace of breadbreadfruit and
‘y land taro
mportant food
fam culture is

fing a social
1 as serving
Large yams,

veral hundred
's old, play a
:moniallife of

prepared for planting yams and the fsame for all districts. Before any
vines are carefully trained up live tree coconut replanting work is started in
any’ island or municipality, the district

Fagriculturist or his agent conducts an

Although agricultural efficiency is agricultural survey to determine the

very low compared to that of highly
developed areas, it compares favorably
with similar developing countries. The
introduction of cacao to high islands
for intercropping with coconuts,
bananas, and breadfruit will increase
by 50% the income per acre of land.
New hybrid cacao types have been
introduced to Ponape and Truk Atoll
and so far show outstanding yield



Ycondition of the coconut groves. Then
a planting priority schedule is estabslished for each district based on agri-

‘cultural surveys. Selected seednuts

tir the local area are supplied,
sthough in some cases seednuts are
fSimported from other districts. The
f long-range coconutplanting program is
§Saimed at thinning and bushing,
§replacing senile and debilitated palms,

highest yielding rand planting new areas. Available

trees and those most resistant to
disease will be selected and the seeds
distributed to indigenous farmers for
planting. The overall cacao program is

indigenous labor and desire, trained


personnel, and material
‘incentives serve to motivate such a
} F program.

based on assisting local farmers in &

promoting cacao production rather
The Agricultural Division is urging
large Zimprovement of transportation and
Government or privately owned copra storage by demonstrating better
demonstration farms.
types of small boats and better wareIn


housing design for use in outlying
to build Micronesia’s Fareas,

reputation of producing high quality ¥
and premium-priced cacao, central & One Micronesian completed work
fermentaries and processing plants #ptoward a master’s degree in general







fagriculture and two received their B.S.

concentrated cacao production. Each degrees in agriculture. Three other
central fermentary has one or more .Micronesians are studying for degrees
mechanical rotary cacao driers. Ponape Fin agricultural subjects at universities
has two rotary driers installed; Truk, fin the Philippines and United States.

practices are
it subsistence
uit, pandanus,
$ are planted
tion, Taro is
the soil has
use of fallen
sompost. Dry

The coconut, the most important ®

Agricultural Experimentation

economic crop in the Territory, has
In 1964, the Agriculture Division
the highest priority for development. pbegan a black pepper project in
A Territory-wide, long-range coconut Ponape to establish 400 pepper

replanting program is in its eighth year pBardens of [00 vines each by 1970.

of operation. The program has been EThis goal will be achieved before the
augmented by the assistance of 40 yend of fiscal year 1969. Each pepper
Pe ace Corps Volunteers who
have been i:gardener
interest-free loan
Part VI-—-Economic Advancement

(Fiscal Year 1968

The rice project at Ponape continues. Twenty-five acres of new
paddy land are under cultivation
making a total of 50 acres. A rice
technician from the Philippines continues as project supervisor. Six groups
of Ponapeans are clearing land and
building paddy fields for growing rice
in four municipalities. Two Ponapeans
who were sent to Taiwan for a 6month on-the-job training program in
rice culture last year are providing
additional technical and extension
coverage to the farmers.
Improvement of existing subsist-

ence crops is being achieved through
selection and propagation of higher

yielding, disease-resistant varieties, and
by demonstration and training in
better cultivation and fertilization
practice. American and Micronesian
extension workers handle the extension service program of the Agriculture
Food Supply

Some areas of the Territory do not
have a well-balanced food supply, but
rarely do serious shortages of food
occur except when major disasters,
such as typhoons, strike. The Administration and local governments send
relief supplies after a disaster until
sufficient food is available from local


Saeo Oy


hape ona small

fof 40,000 coconut seedlings planted.

in Ponape, where holes are specially ‘The program’s main elements are the

of $200 to use for purchase of fern
posts for plant supports and fertilizer.
He will begin paying back his loan
after his pepper garden comes into
production. Each year the Government retains a portion of his crop until
the entire loan is liquidated. Local
farmers on Ponape have established
350 (100-vine) pepper gardens. About
5,000 pounds of black and white
pepper have been processed from the
Ponape demonstrational planting and
private farms.


of cacao beans
3lack pepper is

assigned to the various atolls. During

ithe year about 1,000 acres of groves
Ewere thinned and bushed and upwards


sible minimum

land row crop agriculture is practiced
to some extent in Palau and the
Marianas. In the other districts very
little ground cultivation is done except


10 may become
onape and Truk

Select target paragraph3