Project Title:

Human Health Effecrs from Energy Generation
Medical Studies of the People of the Marshall

Islands Accidentally Exposed to Fallout

Technical Progress in FY 1978:



During the past year the bill authorizing compensation to certain of the
Utirik and Rongelap people for radiation injuries has been signed by the President and-preparations are under way to initiate these payments.
A study of diabetes, a serious disease in the Marshall Islands, was
initiated several years ago and continues. During the past year an intestina!
parasite survey was started at Rongelap Atoll with studies of stool specimens
and serological testing (immunofluorescence).

Anthelmintic therapy (Vermox) has been started on nearly the entire popu-

lation. A large percentage of the people had positive stools for parasites
and it is hoped that these parasites may be virtually eliminated in this island group by the treatment regimen.

As part of the expanded medical studies a trailer is being obtained for
laboratory purposes at the Hospital at Ebeye and will be used by the Resident

Physician and his assistant.

A program to educate the people of Rongelap and Utirik regarding radiation and its effects was implemented during the past year. During the time of
the annual surveys lectures were given to the people by members of the medical
team and in addition Dr. Naidu, of Brookhaven remained on Rongelap island for
over a month indoctrinating the people about radiation.
Radiological monitoring of people living on Rongelap, Utirik, and Bikini,
including radiochemical analyses of urine samples and whole body gammaspectrographic analyses, was done. Evaluation of low-levels of plutonium

detected in the urines of Bikini and Rongelap people continues.

It is still

uncertain if contamination of urine samples may be a factor.
A disturbing
finding was a sudden increase in the
Cs levels in the Bikini people although still well below the MPBB.
It was apparent that the people had been
eating the locally grown breadfruit and pandanas. The course of action to be
taken with regard to the Bikini people is uncertain at this time.
Two new physicians are being hired for the program. Dr. W. Grant will
replace Dr. K. Knudsen ag the Resident Physician and Dr. H. Pratt will eventually replace Dr. R. Conard when he retires.
In addition, a Physician's Assistant, Mr. Richard Coppola, has been hired and will join the Resident Physician
at Kwajalein to assist in medical care in the islands. This acquisition is in
relation to the expanded medical program described above.
The attitudes of the Rongelap and Utirik people toward the examinations
has improved, due partly to a better understanding of the objectives of the
medical team as a result of the increased educational program, and partly to
an improved attitude of the Marshallese politicians. However, activist groups
from Japan and a law firm in the United States continue to cause unrest among

the people.

(See Continuation Sheet)

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