its present location for several reasons. First, space was e,v.ailable within the air-conditioned area, a highly desirable factor in
a more ecoequipnent maintenance. Second, this location permitec.i


nomical utilization of personnel during slack periods, particularly
during interim phases. Third, at least a small terminal section
mist always be maintained at a relay center to process service nessages, OIC wire,s,and oth~r messages pertaining to the operation of
the relay center.

Inside plant of the telephone system was generally

adequate. The @

line, 200.point Automatic Electric Company ex-

cknge was filled to about 95% of capacity; however, the ‘talltrunks
busy’[condition was seldom encountered despite a fairly high calling

This is attributed to the absence of any well defined busy

hours, in that the traffic load was generally
well distributed
throughout the norml

duty day.

Due to the high percentage of fill,

it was necessary to deny a number of requests from Air Force activi-


ties for additional service; however, it is felt that the service
provided was entirely adequate. It would have been very helpful

established an allocation policy for telephone ser-

vice, as it was nest difficult for the Signal Officer c)fTG 7.2 to
determine which requests represented true operational requirements.

Installation and maintenance of telephone outside plant

was a major problem area.

It was fowd

that although a considerable

building construction program had been established for TG 7.1 and “’
TG 7.4, no plans had been made for telephone cable connecting facilities.

It was very difficult to determine locally what the







Select target paragraph3