
intended. Thus, the total number of manual operating
In future operations,

locations was ratiucedfrom five to fem.

the nunber of operating positions could be reduced to three by
combining the Harbor Connon with the TG 7.3 CM in one location
on PARRY Island. A capability for operating the Harbor Com.on
fron the Joint Connunications Center during interim periods should
be retained for reasons stated earlier.
The establishment of radio ststions on the three islands


used for radiological monitoring (Wotho, Uterik and Ujelang) was
not introduced into the overall planning until very
consequence, coordination

late. As a

of details was incomplete. The contrac-

tor, who was to provide camp f~cilities, was not given firn requi?”@ments with the result that no provisions were made for power, for


antenna supports or for transportation of the equipnent to the is&lso,


equipment requirements were placed at a late date$

with the result that final establishment of the stations was barely
accomplished by the date required. The operating teams provided by
the Southeastern Signal School At Fort Gordon, Georgia, on a tenporary duty tmis, were found to be entirely conpetent.

An active Methods and Results section was utilized to

accumulate complete traffic engineering data as well as to mke
immediate corrections to faulty operating procedures. Detailed
traffic engineering reports were submitted in accordance with AR
lc5-43. Several general observations may be ride, as fo~cws.
First, the administrative traffic load of the Joint Task Force and
its elements fluctuated with the hours of the day and the days of
















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Select target paragraph3