
Frequencies for Hawaii Radio Systems. During the

interim and the early part.of the build-up period, operation of
the single-sideband system was hampered by lack of suitable fre-


quencies. During the early morning hours, none of the assigned frequencies were usable. This condition was alleviated later in the
period when the annual change in propagation factors made the assigned frequencies usable. At the same time, u

ample complement

of frequencies was available’for the single-channel radioteletype
circuits to Hawaii, none of which were authorized for single sideband use.

Therefore, it was not possible to utilize the conven-”

tional method of operation wherein a single channel radioteletype
signal is used as a pilot for the single sideband circuit in order
to make advance determinations of frequency usability in connection
with the frequency-change schedule. Authorization of one group Of
frequencies for both single sidetand and radioteletype service would
have improved operations in this respect.


(10) Transmitter Frequency Control. Because the JTF
SEVEN Frequency Plan was not issued until quite late, it was not
possible to initiate timely crystal procurement. Therefore, several
important nets were without crystals as the operational date ap+
preached, Exciter units C-39/TRA-7 were used to provide frequency
control for transmitters in these nets, with conplete success.

Joint Relay Center operations were complicated by the use

of three different routing indicators, each of which was used in
working with one of the tkree najor relay centars to which conncct-


Thue, in-working with ”RUHP,the rela~mntem

ueed routinti

Select target paragraph3