
Radio Link Carri.r System between Receiver Station

and Facilities Control, This system used AN/TRC-24 radio equipment,
range at about 350 megacycles.
operattig in the high end of the llC1t
Carrier equipment was AN/TCC-7, with AN/FCC-3 superimposed for teletype channels. No difficulty was experienced in securing satisfactory operation; however, is it believed that a fixed-plant type microwave installation would have been preferable. Three features of
the AN/FRC-23 Microwave Equipment would lmve been valuable in this
application, as follows:

Twenty-four channel capacity. At the peak of

this operation more than twelve channels were required, necessitating the use of two AN/TRC-24 and AN/TCC-7.systems.

Automatic transfer to spare equipment in the

event of failure. iklthoughfew failures were experienced with the
AN/!rRc-24equipment, the failures which did occur resulted in outages
while spare equipment was put in service, often at extremely inconvenient


Broadtmd channel capability. Because the chan~

nels of the AN/TCC-7 will not pass the 6QO0 cycle band of the single
sideband channel group, channel restoring equipment (CF-1 carrier
terminals) was required at the receiver site. This complicated the
system line-up procedure. If 6000 cycle channels had been available,
the CF-1 at the Facilities Control terminal could have performed both
the shifting and restoring functions, thus saving equipment and eliminating a potential source of trouble,



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