
SAMSONOperation. The TT-160 synchronous mixer,

used with TT-21 special transmitter-distributorsin the PYTHON system,
is referaed to by the abbreviation SAMSON (synchronousand mixing on
line). This system was used on teletype trunks between the Joint
Relay Center and the Hawaiian ACAN Station, Hickam LAS

Station, N

ESTES and KWAJALEIN AACS Station. All except the KWAJJJIIN circuit
were on AN/FCC-3 telegraph carrier channels. This was on a channel
of AN/FGC-5 multiplex. All were terminated in AN/FGC-38 teletype
equipment in the relay center. No particular difficulties were encountered on the AN/FCC-3 channels, other than an initial delay in
obtaining the technical information required for installation. The
multiplex channel introduced the problem of converting a sending channel of AN/FGC-38 to AN/FGC-390 This entailed a change of transmitter
gears and coding cams to obtain a speed of 390 operations per minute
with a 7.0 unit code. The same change was required on a test transmitter-distributor used in system set-up. N=cessary parts to modify
the AN/FGC-38 transmitters were finally obtained, For the test ‘TD,
only speed-change gears could be obtained; no parts for converting
frcm 7.42 unit to 7.0 unit code were obtainable. This caused some
difficulty in that adjustment of the system using the test TD was
overly critical and not entirely compatible with the traffic TD.


general, SAMSON operation was reasonably satisfactory, but ib was
established that the &sic

criticality of the multiplex system com-

bined with the sensitivity of the SAMSON system produced a channel
which required the constant attention’of highly skilled personnel for
successful operation.





















Select target paragraph3